SEALYHAM TERRIER (AKC Terrier Group) Height: 10 1/2 to 12 inches. Weight: averages 23 pounds. Size: Small. Availability: Very difficult to find. History: The Sealyham Terrier was originally developed in Wales in the mid-1800's by Captain John Edwardes. Although he kept no breeding records, sources believe the Sealyham was produced from crosses between the Corgi, Dandie Dinmont, West Highland White, Wire-Haired Fox Terriers, the Bull Terrier and perhaps even some hounds. The Sealyham was named after the estate of the breed's creator. Like many other long, low terriers, the Sealyham was used to hunt den animals such as fox, badger and otter. Captain Edwardes tested all puppies and allowed only the game, valiant pups to live, shooting the rest. His foundation stock was very tough indeed. Today's Sealyham temperament is quite a bit mellower. The Sealyham has become mostly a companion dog, though he still makes a good ratter. Description: The Sealyham is a strong white terrier with a large head, domed skull, long, powerful jaws, and bushy eyebrows, mustaches and beard. The topline should be level and the length of the back should be approximately the same as the height at the withers. The dark eyes are oval. The nose is black. The broad ears are pendant. The chest is deep and lowered well between the legs. The docked tail is carried straight up. The harsh, wiry coat comes in shades of white and yellow-white with a soft, thick undercoat. Darker markings are permitted on the head and ears. Notes: Good for older owners because the breed isn't demanding or rowdy. The coat needs regular attention. Likes to dig and bark. The bark is surprisingly loud for a small dog. Prone to deafness. Check parents and litter by making noises and trying to attract their attention. If in doubt, have the puppies BAER-tested. Some bloodlines are prone to skin and back problems, and glaucoma. Does not do well in very hot conditions. Personality: Loyal, loving and independant. Spirited, cheerful and fun-loving. Brave and bold. Not as rowdy as some of the other terrier breeds. Can be quite willful. Needs firm training. Can be very combative with other dogs. Behavior: Children: Best with older, considerate children. Friendliness: Reserved with strangers. Trainability: Slightly difficult to train. Independence: Fairly independent. Dominance: High. Other Pets: Generally good with other pets. Combativeness: Very dog-aggressive. Noise: Likes to bark. Grooming and Physical Needs: Grooming: Regular grooming needed. Trimming & Stripping: Professional trimming or stripping needed. Coat: Medium long coat. Shedding: Very light. Docking: The tail is customarily docked. Exercise: Moderate exercise needed. Jogging: Small, but a pretty good jogging companion. Indoors: Relatively inactive indoors. Apartments: Good for apartment living. Outdoor Space: Does all right without a yard. Climate: Prefers cool climates. Owner: Good for novice owners. Longevity: Long (15 or more years). Talents: hunting, tracking, and watchdog. For More Information: Call the AKC Breeder Referral Hotline: 1-900-407-PUPS for the name of a breeder referral representative in your area. Cost is 99 cents per minute. Photo Caption: SEALYHAM TERRIER Photo copyright: Cook PhoDOGraphy 1995. All rights reserved.